Friday, May 26, 2006

Mega Outreach

The Mega Outreach is an eight week evangelistic outreach made up of students from the Discipleship Training School (DTS) from The Kings Lodge at Nuneaton which is a missionary training centre of YWAM (Youth With A Mission).
These DTS students will be joined by Introduction to Primary Health Care (IPHC) students, base staff, some students from the School of Biblical Studies (SBS) and some folk from local churches who wish to be involved in spreading the love of God to the ends of the earth. We will also be joined by approximately 30 Filipinos creating a truly multinational community sharing life together and bringing hope to a very needy people.

This site is dedicated to the sharing of the testimonies of the participants of this Mega Outreach who have given up their tme to bring the good news of the Kingdom of God to the people of the Philippines during July and August 2006.

It is here to inform, encourage, inspire and challenge those who are serious about bringing in the Kingdom - wherever they are.

The testimonies will be from people from all walks of life all nationalities. There is no discrimination in the Kingdom of God.

I hope that all those who read the posted testimonies will keep in prayer those who are standing on the word of God - on the edge - relying on and obeying Holy Spirit as they step out in faith to share Jesus with others.


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Well done Justin, glad you took up my challenge to Blog this outreach and even more delighted that I can be the first to leave a comment! Cant be with you guys this year but looking forward to following the blog and being with you in the Spirit!

Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin, just a quick blog to say thinking of you all, especially Adam (Nethers) look after him for us please!

Take care

Leigh, Mandy, Laura & Frizby

Anonymous said...

To my dear friend Hanneke and her IPHC team:
I feel that God wants you to trust Him and to have Boldness.
Joshua 1:8-9

J H said...

Hi Leigh and Mandy.
Nethers is doing fine. We will keep a close eye on him, don't worry. He has some fans already (female of course) being so tall here he is something of a novelty. More happy now Jack is here and Fran has been with him quite a bit too. He will grow in God very much here and is already an asset to the team. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

it's so nice to hear messages from you, keep blogging, i'm sure jack will get round to writing me eventually!!hint, hint!
love Ali

Anonymous said...

Justin, thanks for blogging the outreach, can't wait to hear the stories. You are definitely in our prayers and slightly "jealous" thoughts. It's a pity i can't just hop accross for the weekend, but with baby due in the next two weeks, probably not a good idea! Love to all.

Chris, Cindee, and fam

Anonymous said...

C'mon Justin! Where's the news? Or are you guys having such an awesome time you just can't get to a PC! LOL! Keeping you all in our prayers and longing to hear how it's going with you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there every one (big hug for kerry)hope you are all having an exciting time praying for you all luv heidi x